Sunday, March 2, 2008

NEW JERSEY: Letter t the Editor by John Case--Bill Allows Spector of "Biological Parent" to Cloud Adoptions


March 2, 2008

Letter to the editor: Bill allows 'specter of biological parent' to cloud adoptions
by John Case

The New Jersey Senate Committee that voted 10-0 to support bill S611, which would allow adopted persons access to their original birth certificate and thus the identity of the biological parents' names, are obviously oblivious to the unintended consequences of this bill.

Recent trends in adoptions indicate a trend towards fewer domestic adoptions and more international adoptions, in large part due to laws such as this. This law does not consider a situation where the biological parent may understandably want to disassociate themselves from that chapter of their life nor the extremely problematic situation to the adoptive parents who desire and, I believe, have the right to raise the child completely as their own.

Speaking as prospective adoptive parents, my wife and I are not willing to take on any adoption where the specter of the biological parent hovers over the adoptive parent-child relationship. We know that we are not alone in this mindset.

Take this as a warning. If S611 is passed, prepare to see an increase in overseas adoptions at the expense of domestic adoptions.



Link to article

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